Photo: Roslynn Long
Photographer Roslynn Long spots a wild animal at the Minnesota Zoo.
Most people go to the Minnesota Zoo in Apple Valley to see the zoo animals, but Burnsville nature photographer Roslynn Long seeks out the natural areas of the zoo, which attract wild animals. “The zoo has a lot of acreage,” she says.
Long snapped this picture of a green heron last July when her daughter was at zoo camp. She was walking along a boardwalk when she saw an Eastern phoebe, and then she noticed a green heron hiding behind branches. She stayed still and spent a long time waiting for it to forget that she was there. Eventually, her patience paid off.
Long started photographing birds about 10 years ago. “My favorite bird is whatever bird I’m currently photographing,” Long says. “I really love loons and hummingbirds.”
In addition to the zoo, Long likes to photograph birds in natural areas around the Twin Cities, including the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, Wood Lake Nature Center, Fort Snelling and Lebanon Hills. Her photos have appeared in Pahl’s Market calendars, KARE 11 Weatherguide calendars, Birds and Blooms magazine, and last July she published In the Shadow of His Wings, a devotional book based on her bird photographs.
Lynn Long Prints
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