Real Americans by Rachel Khong Lily Chen and Matthew Allen can’t be more opposite, but that doesn’t stop them from falling in love. Matthew comes...
Book Club
Deck the Bookshelves This December
Whether you’re looking for gift ideas for the bookworms in your life or a great pick to snuggle up with this season, here’s a selection of books to...
Big Characters
The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie Post by Allison Pataki Despite humble beginnings in Michigan, Marjorie Post, heiress to her father’s Post Cereal...
Introduce Kids to Global Flavors
Introducing kids to global cooking at a young age can make a dramatic difference in limiting picky eating. But sometimes it's not easy! When we make...
The Healing Power of Friendship
The School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister This heartwarming, hopeful and delicious novel will give you all the feels as you enter...
Set the Scene for Fall
Mrs. England by Stacey Halls For readers that crave the dark suspense of Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights try this story set in 1904 West Yorkshire,...
Reimagined Reality
A Better World by Sarah Langan The Farmer-Bowen family is invited to live in a company town of Plymouth Valley, a gated community for the .0001...
Two Picks for Young Bookworms
As summer ends, middle grade readers (ages 8–12) will enjoy these books with mystery, time travel and unlikely friends. A Spoonful of Time by Flora...
Father Figures
We Came, We Saw, We Left: A Family Gap Year by Charles Wheelan The Wheelan family decides to take a year away from their busy lives to travel the...
Skipped Pages
These are great books published in 2023 that might have slipped under your radar. Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent Sally is a middle-aged,...
Community Builders
These two children’s books are perfect for celebrating Black History Month in February and Women’s History Month in March. The Free Book Buggie...
Nonfiction Page Turners
Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism by Amanda Montell What causes people to join groups with dangerous or troublesome outcomes? Author Amanda...
Shopping for Scares
Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix Horrorstör answers the question we all have had: What would happen if an unspecified ready-to-assemble furniture store...
Author Loretta Ellsworth Pens First Picture Book
Lakeville author Loretta Ellsworth remains persistent in her writing practice. The brilliant magic of a picture book can gleefully guide children to...
Stories for Relaxing Summer Days
Summer is finally here, and with that comes permission to relax in a hammock or at the cabin with some fantastic reads. The following titles contain...
Perspective-Changing Fiction
I highly recommend not only a few favorite titles below, but other books by all three of these talented authors. The Midnight Library by Matt Haig...
Local Librarian Shares Shortlist of Page Turners
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia Moreno-Garcia’s novel follows young Noemí Taboada in Mexico City in the 1950s, who is called to help her...