April 2024

Welcome to the April/May 2024 Issue

Confession: I have been threatening to take a sledgehammer to our living room wall for years. When we moved into our house almost 12 years ago, we loved it for its location and general layout but had pretty big dreams when it came to the kitchen, primary bedroom and...
A New Leash on Life

A New Leash on Life

Meet a rescue dog who is up for fresh experiences. Duke Silver is a dog that loves adventure. After being adopted by Mary Mittelstaedt in 2020 from...

Step Up for Women

Step Up for Women

The 32nd annual Minnesota Race for the Cure returns to Viking Lakes for the second time—and moves to the Saturday before Mother’s Day. The 1-mile...

Skipped Pages

Skipped Pages

These are great books published in 2023 that might have slipped under your radar. Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent Sally is a middle-aged,...

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