A year ago at this time, I was putting together the very first issue of this magazine and nervously anticipating its arrival in your mailbox. I was so excited to have an opportunity to write about the communities I call home, and I really hoped this magazine would be a welcome addition to your home.
As I put together our first anniversary issue, I still nervously anticipate its arrival in your mailbox (That will probably always be the case—I’m a worrier!), but I have a lot more confidence that it’ll be met with appreciation. I know I speak for everyone who works on this magazine when I say: We’re deeply grateful for all of the support you’ve shown us this past year. Whether you’ve sent in a story idea, contributed a photo to our annual contest Focus on Cities South, agreed to an interview, bought an ad or browsed through our pages, you’ve helped us make this magazine a stronger, better reflection of this community.
I’m especially appreciative of our Editorial Advisory Board, a group of dedicated community members, who generously share story ideas and inspiration with me on a regular basis—and offered their support before we even had a tangible magazine to show them.
This magazine is just going to get better with age, especially with continued input from you. Send me a note anytime at liz@localmedia.co.