We’re gearing up for the season of giving, but these past few months I’ve had to focus my energy on receiving. A running injury had me negotiating...
digital edition
Welcome to the October/November 2024 Issue
The proverb says necessity is the mother of invention, but as many moms can attest, motherhood makes creativity and invention a necessity. As I put...
Welcome to the August/September 2024 Issue
A few days ago, I was driving with my 12-year-old daughter when she asked me if I believed in magic. She paused for a moment and then said, “Never...
Welcome to the June/July 2024 Issue
One summer in high school, I had a job working at a bagel shop, making sandwiches and specialty coffee drinks for customers who often came in with...
Welcome to the April/May 2024 Issue
Confession: I have been threatening to take a sledgehammer to our living room wall for years. When we moved into our house almost 12 years ago, we...
Welcome to the February/March 2024 Issue
A year ago at this time, I was putting together the very first issue of this magazine and nervously anticipating its arrival in your mailbox. I was...
Welcome to the December/January 2023 Issue
I always go into the holiday season with a concrete gift-giving plan for my three kids. I try to buy each of them one thing they want, something...
Welcome to the October/November 2023 Issue
Despite all of the elaborate holiday plans I start dreaming up this time of year, some of my best memories of family are just sitting around the...
Welcome to the August/September Issue
I graduated from college the spring after the World Trade Towers collapsed and went to work at a daily newspaper in central Minnesota. In my first...
Welcome to the June/July 2023 Issue
Maybe I’m doing summer wrong, but I haven’t experienced “the lazy days of summer” since having kids. When they were young, there was nothing lazy...
Welcome to the April/May 2023 Issue
As a lifelong Minnesotan, I can survive a Minnesota winter with the best of them. I’ve found that getting outside for a bit each day is key: I love...
Welcome to the February/March 2023 Issue
When my husband, 6-month-old daughter and I moved “south of the river” from Minneapolis about 10 years ago, we were looking for one thing: A shorter...